Product Description
Paypal Adaptive Payment
Paypal Adaptive Payment plug-in allows website owner handles payments between a sender of a payment and one or more receivers of the payment.
There are two payment types
Parallel payment: If you own a shopping cart, you are not required to receive payments directly. You can facilitate payments between the sender and receivers that provide the actual goods. With parallel payments, the sender can see the transaction to each receiver.
Chained payment: The sender pays the primary receiver an amount, from which the primary receiver pays secondary receivers. The sender only knows about the primary receiver, not the secondary receivers. The secondary receivers only know about the primary receiver, not the sender.
You can change the payment type and set other configuration for paypal adaptive payment easy from magento configuration.
Doc & Help
Installation Guide
Step 1: Disable Compilation.
- Log into Magento Admin Panel and go to System -> Tools -> Compilation and disable the compilation.
- After last step you can run the compilation process again.
Step 2. Upload package files.
- Extract the extension package.
- Upload all files and folder inside the step1 folder to your magento root folder.
- After all files in step1 folder is uploaded, upload all files and folder inside the step2 folder to your magento root folder.
Step 3. Clear cache.
- Go to System -> Cache Management. Clear the store cache.
Step 4. Clear cache.
- Go to System -> Cache Management. Clear the store cache.
Step 5. Re-login.
- Log out and log back into Magento Admin Panel.