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How to get logged in vendor object.

Logged in vendor object will be stored in session vendors/session. Let use following code to retrieve the vendor object. {{code php}}

Tags: vendor session, vendor object

How can i remove some fields of product edit page in vendor cpanel?

From version you can customize the add product form easily: Customize the Add product form of vendor     Edit this file: app/code/local/VES…

Tags: remove product field

Update approval attribute of product to approved in bulk

If your website have much number of products you can not update for all of your products using Update Attribute function of magento.This article will…

Tags: magento marketplace, approval

How to define a controller in vendor cpanel.

Put following sample xml code on your config.xml file to define a controller for vendor cpanel. {{code xml}} …

Tags: vendor cpanel, vendor cpanel controller

Add new vendor configuration

Configuration page is showing all vendor configurations. (see below image)   Defining sections and fields in vendor configuration similar with admin co…

Tags: vendor, vendor configuration

How to add top links to vendor cpanel

Let use the following xml code to your layout file to add a top links to vendor cpanel. {{code xml}} …

Tags: vendor cpanel, top links

How to add menu items to vendor dashboard?

In order to add menu items to vendor dashboard first you need to create a magento custom extension then put this xml code to config.xml…

Tags: vendor cpanel, menu

How to get vendor url?

You can get a vendor URL by using this code: {{code php}} $vendorId = 1; $vendor = Mage::getModel('vendors/vendor')->load($vendorId); $urlKey = 'contacts…

Tags: vendor page

How to put seller information to product page?

Edit this file: app/design/frontend/THEME_PACKAGE/THEME_NAMEtemplate/catalog/product/view.phtml. Replace THEME_PACKAGE and THEME_NAME by your theme info. Add t…

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